Don Rickles Biography

Don Rickles was an American actor, comedian, author, as well as stand-up comic. He was among the most highly-respected entertainment talent. He had a mix of humor and quick wit and a sincere love for his audience, that made him an ideal source of laughter, enjoyment and entertainment. Due to his ability to make an offensive insult seem funny and hilarious, he was a regular participant in celebrity roasts. His jokes were often hurtful and mean however he could make the receiver laugh. He started his professional career as a regular comedian, who would perform rehearsed jokes. But, he realized that audiences loved his spontaneous jokes more than his scripted material. He was adored by many among them was Frank Sinatra. Apart from appearing in several films and TV shows, he had also recorded two comedy albums. He was awarded many awards like a Lifetime Achievement' award from The Comedy Awards. His style of insinuation comedy has earned him many nicknames, such as "The Merchant of Venom", 'The Insultan' 'Mr. Don Rickles was only able to land small television roles following his graduation. To supplement his income, he began to perform stand-up comedy and eventually created his "insult comedian" persona. He began the 1970s in a prominent part in the movie 'Kelly's Heroes' (1970) which starred Clint Eastwood. He also made appearances in television comedies like 'The Don Rickles Show' (1972) and 'The Dean Martin Roasts' (1973). Barbara Sklar, Don Rickles's wife, was married to him on March 14, 1965. They had two children: Mindy and Larry. Their son passed away on December 31, 2011. His most cherished friend was Bob Newhart and the two often went on vacation with their wives. They have appeared together on many shows such as  Newhart.' Don Rickles died from kidney disease on the 6th of April, 2017, at his residence in Beverly Hills, California.


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